Breaking into Data Analytics: Tips and Resources from Alex The Analyst

1. Please introduce yourself and tell us what inspired you to start helping people get jobs in analytics and tech.
My name is Alex Freberg, better known as Alex The Analyst on YouTube. I have been working in tech and data for over seven years. Before that, I worked at a Behavioral Health hospital doing group therapy with patients. When I was trying to break into Analytics, I had to teach myself everything through YouTube and Udemy tutorials because I couldn’t afford high-level courses. After about three years as an Analyst, I wanted to help people break into tech in a better way than I did. I didn’t have anyone to help me or mentor me, so I wanted to do that for others.
2. Could you tell us more about the resources available on your YouTube channel, Alex The Analyst, and your learning platform, Analyst Builder? How can these resources help data scientists in their career development?
My YouTube channel has just about everything you need to get started in Data Analytics. I have tutorials on SQL, Excel, Tableau, Power BI, Python, Pandas, AWS, Azure, and more. All of this is completely free! I also created an Ed Tech platform called Analyst Builder that will help you learn to become a Data Analyst and prepare for technical interviews. It is about 50% more in-depth than my YouTube channel and has an integrated coding portion of the website that allows me to practice on the platform. These resources can help anyone who wants to learn more about Data Analytics. Whether you want to spend money or not, they are some of the best resources on the internet.
My YouTube channel has just about everything you need to get started in Data Analytics. I have tutorials on SQL, Excel, Tableau, Power BI, Python, Pandas, AWS, Azure, and more. All of this is completely free! I also created an Ed Tech platform called Analyst Builder that will help you learn to become a Data Analyst and prepare for technical interviews. It is about 50% more in-depth than my YouTube channel and has an integrated coding portion of the website that allows me to practice on the platform. These resources can help anyone who wants to learn more about Data Analytics. Whether you want to spend money or not, they are some of the best resources on the internet.
3. Based on your experience, what are the most essential skills aspiring data scientists should develop to excel in their careers, and what are the top three pieces of advice you would give to anyone looking to advance and stay competitive in this rapidly evolving field?
The best skills to learn are ones that aren’t going away: Problem Solving, Databases, Data Cleaning, Data Collection, and Creating Dashboards. These can be done with a variety of tools, but the best ones to start with are Excel, SQL, and Tableau. With these three tools, you can learn all of these core skills that will transfer to other tools in the future.
My three biggest pieces of advice are:
1. Focus on the fundamentals. Others will chase fancy tools, but 90% of companies use the basics.
2. Skills only get you so far. Learn how to communicate and make connections in your company and you’ll go far.
3. You either make money or you grow. Both are great, but if you’re getting neither, it’s time to start looking to move to another role.