Close runs regular events, bringing the best and brightest in data science together to explore ideas and kick open doors​

Past Events

Data Sheroes – Conversations with Women in Data Science


#DataSheroes is an online event series where we engage with women working in data science globally, to learn about their experiences, projects, and how they are driving innovation in the field.


Our goal is to highlight the impact of women in data science and showcase the strides they are making toward creating a more inclusive and diverse industry.


About our Guests:

Yvette Kondoh is a data scientist with extensive experience in creating end-to-end predictive models and leveraging actionable insights from data to craft compelling stories and Christiana Onoja is the founder of Partnership for African Women Advancement whose work focuses on empowering women in Africa through education, training, and mentorship.

Data Sheroes – Conversations with Women in Data Science


#DataSheroes is a virtual webinar series where we speak to women in data science around the world to get to know more about their work, and how they are promoting the data science field and supporting other women in the space.


Through the #DataSheroes Series, we want to shine a light on female data science role models and celebrate the work they are doing to support more women in data science.


About our Guest:

Mahadia is a young and dynamic leader with over 10 years of experience in data science. She co-founded the Tanzania Data Lab (dLab), a centre of excellence for data science and data-driven innovation to harness the potential of the data revolution in solving local, regional, and global sustainable development challenges through data and innovation.

Join us to learn more about her journey and how she is making an impact with data science.

Women in Data Science

The path to more equitable technology starts with diversifying who gets to be a part of creating it. 
At this event, you will hear from women who are blazing the trail in the data science field, speaking about their experiences and how the ecosystem can better encourage and support women. 
You would also hear the experiences of upcoming female data scientists living in Africa and how they have been able to thrive despite the many challenges and barriers that still exist.


Eunice Baguma-Ball – Co-founder at with over 12 years experience leading digital inclusion, female entrepreneurship and impact technology programmes around the world.

An Untapped Talent Pool


Africa’s fast growing, tech-saavy talent pool is one of the region’s biggest assets.


One challenge that remains however, is the lack of access and barriers that many talented Africans face when it comes to finding spaces and opportunities to put their data science knowledge into practice .  


Join us at our next event where we will discuss how best companies can support and work with African data science talent to achieve their full potential and drive growth.



Eunice Baguma-Ball – Co-founder at with over 12 years experience leading digital inclusion, female entrepreneurship and impact technology programmes around the world.




Data for Impact


At, we partner with organizations that are leveraging data science to build a better future for all. For example, Simprints whose mission is building technology to radically increase transparency and effectiveness in global development. And, Omniscient which uses machine learning to predict and support early diagnosis of mental health disorders such as Schizophrenia. 

Join us to discuss how organizations are using data science to create social impact as well as some of the challenges that are still limiting the potential of data for impact.



Eunice Baguma-Ball – Co-founder of


Speakers: TBA

Marinela Profi – Artificial intelligence marketing manager and data scientist at SAS.

Mary Grace Villanueva – Co-founder and director of strategy and business development at Data Innovators.

Kunal Shah – Senior product marketing manager at SAS

The Democratisation of Data Science


From NGOs to governments, private companies to local community groups, data is a powerful tool that defines the world in which we live in today. Every action or inaction, every click or hover, is analysed and processed, creating a representation of the real world.


But something has gone wrong along the way. Data science has been moulded by the extant power dynamics of the world we live in and, like water into a glass, it takes the shape of its context.



Eunice Baguma-Ball – Co-founder at with over 12 years experience leading digital inclusion, female entrepreneurship and impact technology programmes around the world.





The Rise of Data Science in Africa


From the Google AI Lab in Accra, to IBM’s research lab in Nairobi and Facebook’s new office in Nigeria, big tech giants have already recognised Africa’s potential in this space. This has led to increasing demand and development of data science talent on the continent.


Institutions like the African Institute of Mathematical Studies, running a Masters in Machine Intelligence, are building up a pool of talent with skills in data science, AI and machine learning.


watch this virtual panel discuss what opportunities and challenges exist in connecting Africa’s data science talent to the world.


Eunice Baguma Ball – Co-founder at


Dr Charles Kimpolo – Director, AIMS Industry Initiative, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)


Eva Mwangi – Data Engineer at ZipLine


Gabi Steele – Co-Founder / CEO at Data Culture